Sunday, June 29, 2008

The challenge of generosity today.

True generosity consists precisely in fighting to destroy the causes which nourish false charity. False charity constrains the fearful and subdued, the "rejects of life," to extend their trembling hands. True generosity lies in striving so that these hands-whether of individuals or entire peoples - need be extended less and less in supplication, so that more and more they become human hands which work and, working, transform the world.

-Pedagogy of the Oppressed, Paulo Freire, p. 45

Over a year ago, I did not see myself returning to Brazil. Nor could I imagine starting on a project to help provide tools for those in Brazil to make moves to transform their lives. But, God had other plans. A year has gone by and I look at what has been done and embark on a journey to take this as far as it can go. But in the process of doing so, I have noticed certain things about humanity and mankind: those you know versus those you don't. Those who follow through versus those who do not. This past month, those I did not know have surprised me. They have extended themselves in unexpected ways. Those who have provided support and assistance were not those I knew, but strangers, and I am so humbly appreciative.

For me Blessings for Brazil (BFB) is more than a project for Rio. I envision this as a means to provide the "oppressed" with tools to change the course of their lives. To motivate one to seek change within their own community. To use whatever resources that BFB can acquire on their behalf, and step out of their 'normal' and at times 'limited' realm and to strive towards the world outside their own. Blessings for Brazil is not about just collecting books, materials and at times funds, it is about helping that young girl in Salvador who did not want to take a picture with me, unless she was able to make some money. It is about the boys who hustle the tourists day and night, rather that taking their sophisticated business sense and using it in more legal terms. Its about the school that is trying to help that mother living in that favela, give her child access to an education that would not have been available. Blessings for Brazil is that agent and I AM GOD's foot soldier on this journey.

So the challenge I face is to help inspire those who "want" to help turn that want into action. It is very hard, but this foot soldier is not giving up. Whether it is computer supplies or books or whatever, ACTION is key. Its like a sentence; there is no sentence with out the subject and verb, subject and action. Blessings for Brazil is willing to be the subject, but you can provide the verb, the action, to help bless a child.

God blesses us so we can be a blessing for others.

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