Okay, so I am going to do something very different. We are now in 2009 and there are many things I want to accomplish for the Blessings project. But, more importantly, I am realizing I should be as open and honest about the challenges of working on this project. I can say all is well, but I think we all know that there are challenges. So as I continue this journey of SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP (I just learned this term after hours of listening to Craigslist Podcasts) I am going to share my insights, challenges and accomplishments.
So today is a snow day in New York, so I spent some time listing to the podcasts provided by Craigslist Foundation on Itunes. I found one on Boards titled "Your Board and Fundraising: A Small Introductory Guide for Non-Profits". Now, no one tells you how it depth the board process goes. I knew that I had to start a board to form the non-profit and apply for the 501(c)3. So you ask around, after thinking for a while, for those who would be qualified and also willing to help you with your dreams. I have 3 friends who agreed to ride this journey. Now, I have to figure out how to operate the board in a way that helps me reach the goals for the year, without imposing on their lives. Actually, I need to reword that. I want them to be just as impassioned as I am.
So the questions are: HOW DO I INSPIRE AND LEAD THE BOARD TO SUCCESS? HOW DO I MAKE THE PROCESS A FULFILLING & REWARDING EXPERIENCE? How can the board help support the Volunteers so the volunteers are able to move forward? How do I help develop and build a culture to develop that?
Well, since I am not able to fly them to Brazil to experience why I am so committeed to the idea of Blessings and Social Entrepreneurship, I need to start with inviting their ideas and feedback for the goals for the year. They have knowledge and insight. Then I will share this with the volunteers and collaborate with them to make sure are supported.
All I can say is, there is a lot in store. I am praying for the strength to see it through.
Today's Ratings:Meeting Project Goals: 3 out 6 (Today spent more time on the website. Hope to move towards marketing in a few minutes)
Personal Life: 2 out of 6 (Does that still exist?)
Need a Vacation: 888 out of 6 (I wish I could go to Brazil for Carnival)
P.S. Did I tell you that I do this while working a Full-time job and going to Grad School?
Living from the energy of Blessings and HIS grace.
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