Wednesday, August 13, 2008

So, what's Next?

The future of the and the Blessings brand is my goal right now. Being in Brazil and seeing how we are helping children learn English, explore their creative sides, and access more books is rewarding. Now the challenge is to build a sustainable future that can reach more schools and facilities. This includes developing a regular income generating source; finalizing the NGO status; and increasing promotion and outreach. It will happen. I am optimistic and a believer that great things will continue to take place.

This week, we have begun working on generating funds via the Blessings Boudoir. Donated items are listed and posted for sale on Ebay, which will help us build a regular income source. One of the goals for this year, is to sponsor a young lady in Rio. She lives in the favela and attends Solar Meninos de Luz, but despite her challenges, she is learning English and is about to enter college. Yet, she needs the resources to help her further her education. I would like the Blessings Project to reach out to her. This is where the funds from the Blessings Boudoir can help.

This is also where you can help. Visit and click on the Boudoir link. Learn how you can help by donating items or bidding on items you are interested in. This is another way you can help make a difference. For remember, God blesses us so we can be a blessing for others.

P.S. The picture you see is of one of my favorite Brazilian actors Lazaro Ramos. People I know in Brazil will be in his next movie and they were able hang out with him. HE IS AN EXCELLENT ACTOR!

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