Monday, January 30, 2012

Three Online Donation Support Sites

            Some non-profit organizations (NPOs) can use various online resources to receive donations.  These services can be helpful for organizations with websites, or those without a website.   Some of these sites are:
  •; and,
Each of these websites provides a resource that can be very helpful as NPOs develop their specific fundraising platform.  The main thing that should be considered is which service would provide the NPO with the best means to receive funds.

Donations and Fundraising
NPOs rely on the generosity of donors and fundraising projects, therefore, it is necessary to reflect upon the user-friendly nature of any particular service you plan to use to generate funds.  Is the service easy to use?  Does it allow donors to receive an automatic acknowledgement?  Does it permit donors to pay the fee associated with their online donation?  Can the funds be easily transferred into the organization’s bank account?  Each of the funding services can be helpful; however, NPOs should become familiar with each site to comprehend their usefulness. is a useful resource for NPOs.  Individuals or NPOs can create a fundraising page for any registered non-profit.  Registered NPOs are recognized via, and serves as a means in which individuals can research the reliability of an organization.  Once an organization has become a 501(c)3, the designated individual within the organization should send the IRS information to, and within a few days, they will listed.  This information is shared with organizations, such as, which then proceeds to list the NPO in its database of organizations.  As donations are made to the NPO via page, funds are collected (minus their service fee), and monthly checks are mailed to the NPO.
   is similar to; however, it does not have the in-depth donor management application as Firstgiving.  In my opinion, allows organizations to manage the fundraising process a lot better than; however, is good for organizations who are starting and are not quite ready to become a 501(c) 3.  It has many of the bells and whistles, such as a fundraising bar., which can be very helpful to ascertain the percentage of donations collected. Many people have heard of  Paypal can be another helpful option, and it is easy to start.  One of the benefits of is that donations can be received and transferred into the NPO’s bank account; however, many of the fundraising tools are not available on their platform.

Each of the above-mentioned resources can help NPOs collect donations via credit cards, debit cards, or through their bank accounts (  There is a small fee in some cases, yet it is worth considering as a form of online fundraising tool.

More to come in the upcoming book this Spring!

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